Sunday, July 15, 2007

I was nearing the end of my exercise session on the treadmill when the glamour shot of the kolhrabi caught my eye. Hey -- I know that vegetable! It had turned out recently that I only needed a little encouragement from Justin to get over the hurdle of "What is that and what do you do with it?" to become an outright fan.
But back to the kohlrabi, and what was it doing on the treadmill? Imagine my surprise when, in the midst of browsing through the July 11-31 issue of The Improper Bostonian, I turned to page 142 and found myself reading about the Belmont Farm at 34 Glen Road. Hey, I know that farm!
I was so excited to see the piece that it put me in a good mood for the rest of the day. Yay Gretta!

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